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    LTDTC Sunday, May 12, 2024 Worker Signup

    May 12, 2024: SUNDAY Worker Signup--Both Rings
    Please scroll to the right to see all spots available for both rings. Multiple entries allowed for Bar Setter and Course Builder fields.
    Thank you for signing up. We can't run trials without workers!

    Sign up

    Click the 'Join' link in a slot below to sign up there.
    Ring 1 Prem. STD M/E FAST Open/Nov. FAST M/E STD 24/20 pt. 1 M/E STD 24/20 pt.2 M/E STD 16 M/E STD 12/8/4 Open STD Novice STD Ring 2 T2B Prem. JWW M/E JWW 16 M/E JWW 12/8/4 M/E JWW 24/20 pt. 1 M/E JWW 24/20 pt.2 Open JWW Novice JWW
    Sheet Runner
    Leash Runner
    Bar Setters
    Course Builders
    Chief Course Builders
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